

Hometown: Long Hill, New Jersey

Joined OKC Ballet in 2021

Amelia Aroneo

Amelia Aroneo, from Long Hill, New Jersey, began her training with Pamela Levy and Claudia Guimaraes at Washington Rock Ballet for eleven years. Amelia then trained at the Gelsey Kirkland Academy of Classical Ballet with Gelsey Kirkland, Ludmilla Polonskaya, Vera Solovyeva, and Alexandra Lawler for five years.  Aroneo joined Oklahoma City Ballet as a trainee in 2019 and was promoted to OKCB II in 2021. Aroneo’s repertoire includes works by Gelsey Kirkland, Marius Petipa, August Bournonville, Ryan Jolicoeur-Nye, Maria Konrad, Twyla Tharp, and George Balanchine.

Some of Aroneo’s favorite roles include the second movement from George Balanchine’s Western Symphony, four little swans from Swan Lake, and Odalisque pas de trois from Le Corsaire. Aroneo is also a psychology major at the University of Maryland Global Campus where she hopes to one day work with professional dancers as a Sports Psychologist.